Advanced Geospatial Analysis

GIS 520 Portfolio | Fall 2012 | Aaron Poteate

Module 3

 Module 3

This module trains users to use queries and measurements to solve problems. Queries enable the user to search their data for information. The user is tasked with creating a watershed awareness program with the local school district by using advanced queries. To achieve this, the user will use Select By Attributes and Select By Location to create a map similar to the one presented below. The second part of this module, instructs users on how to use measurement. Measurements can be used to find information  about distance, slope, and aspect. This example is searching for an area with conditions ideal for a winery and vineyard based on distance, slope and aspect. To complete this task, the user must use the Aspect, Slope, and Euclidean Distance tools to calculate the aspect ratio, slope, and distance from freeways for the region. After these are calculated, using Spatial Analyst tools of Raster Calculator, Less Than Equal, and Greater Than the user will refine the region to just areas that meet each criterion and finally use raster calculator to find areas that meet all of the criteria.

Module 3: Query Example.

Module 3: Measurements example.

Module 3: Measurement example outcome.

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